Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve

Wishing you a Happy New Year and hoping for the best for you in 2010!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Hi. I just wanted to leave a little something to say Merry Christmas. I know I haven't been on here much and maybe I will try harder. Maybe that could be my New Year's resolution. Only problem with that is, I don't do resolutions...oh well. Merry Christmas anyway.

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Friday, November 6, 2009

Disney World

I am very excited!! I am planning on taking my son to Disney World on Sunday. It's his birthday and Disney gave free tickets for everyone on their birthdays. I went in March with my sister for my birthday. I love that place. I would live there if I could.

My son does not know we are going. Last I told him, we might go if I could afford it. But I haven't mentioned it much so I am sure he thinks we aren't going. Yay! A surprise!!

I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait!!

Watch out Magic Kingdom! Here I come!
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Friday, October 30, 2009

Yea, yea, yea

I know. It has been almost 2 months since my last post. I am such a bad blogger. It isn't like anyone reads my blog anyway. And if they do, they sure as heck don't comment about it. Anyway, I have ideas and thoughts that sometimes I want to blog/talk about but it isn't always something I want people that I know to know. You know? I am thinking about starting an annonymous blog so I can say things without worrying about who reads it. Some things I like to keep private but at the same time would like to discuss it with others. Does that make sense at all? I dunno...Maybe I should just put it all out there and not worry about it. Sigh. So, I am in the same place I was to begin with. What shall I do?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Get ready to say awwww...

My nephew Romeo.
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That is all.

Monday, August 31, 2009

The Beach

My son is so talented...with some random
sleeping person on the beach and a little sand, he created a merman holding a trident. I have been told I could be biased, but I think my son is pretty awesome. Maybe even Macgyver-ish. The random sleeping person/merman thought so too. Not to mention the little wiener dog who wanted to tinkle on the random sleeping person's/merman's head.
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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Welcome to the world Romeo!

A few days ago, I was blessed to be able to welcome my new nephew into the world. He was born 8/4/09, weighed 8lbs 2oz and was 20in long. If babies aren't the most precious things in the world, I don't know what are. I am graciously posting a picture so you, too, can marvel in his beauty. If the skies open up and you hear angels singing, don't be alarmed. For they are also dazzled by his new baby goodness.
Introducing...Romeo Rashaun Carter

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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Today was a good day

I did some things I have not done before. I went hiking. I guess it is considered hiking. I walked through some trails in the woods attempting to see some wildlife. We saw some turtles and lots of spiders, but missed out on the elusive alligators. I think they were avoiding me. I also shopped around an antique store quite a while. We inadvertently made them stay open an hour past their closing time. Oops. Sorry antique store people. But it was fun and I saw lots of neat things. I was able to share my knowledge (or lack of) Hummel ,milk glass, and Johnson Bros. china. Woot! Did I mention that I had awesome company? Yep, I did. Thanks for the great day!

Friday, July 31, 2009

My new nephew

My older sister, in all her wisdom went out and got herself pregnant. Apparently she forgot what caused pregnancy. Needless to say, it was unplanned. She will be 37 years old this year and she has 2 other kids at home. (my niece is 16 and my nephew is 12.) Her children are practically grown so she is basically starting all over again. nephew is due to join us any day now. If he isn't here by August 4th, she we be induced. I cannot wait to see his little face, even if he does look like his dad. (ha ha. love you rico.) I get to be the official photographer during the delivery. I will get to take his first pictures. I plan to post some here. I even chose his name...Romeo. His father wanted to name him Romello, to which I would forever call him Caramello. Thankfully he came to his senses and agreed to my suggestion. Maybe I will call him Caramello anyway, just for fun.

Romeo! Hurry up and get here already! I want to hold you. Then return you when you begin to cry or need a diaper change.

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My nephew Romeo

This guy

I met this guy. He is really sweet. He isn't all macho-can't-express-himself like most men. He doesn't mind watching
chick flicks
romantic comedies. He says we can do whatever I want to do, as long as I am happy. And he means it. He respects my feelings. There is a lot that I could say, but I will wait and see where it goes.
Stay tuned.
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I am here.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Note to self. Do not stay up til after 4am talking on the phone when you have to get up for work at 7am. Even if you were talking to an Angel. Just sayin.
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Monday, July 13, 2009

I am alive

Since I am here posting again, it is obvious that I survived Busch Gardens...and the family reunion.
I cannot say that I braved the SheiKra, though. Luckily, my son decided just as we were getting in line for the SheiKra that he was ready to leave. It was too hot to stand in the lines, according to him. I have to agree. It was easily in the high nineties. And there were so many people there, that you were constantly bumping or touching people. Now, I don't know about you, but touching strangers is bad enough but having their sweaty bodies touching me was not my cup of tea. *shudders* We did ride my favorite coasters, though.
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The Kumba is my favorite. It literally roars as it runs along the track. Awesomeness!

And then, there is the Montu which is such a smooth riding coaster that I don't feel the need to wet myself as we go up the incline.
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I will post more about the reunion later, after I load some of my pictures.

Friday, July 10, 2009


This weekend I will be going to Tampa for a family reunion and hopefully will be able to go to Busch Gardens. Maybe I will get the nerve to get on the SheiKra again, but don't hold your breath on that one. The SkeiKra takes you up 200 feet (and it takes forever!!), then turns you around and drops you straight down at a 90 degree angle!
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See, I am afraid of heights, but I love roller coasters. Ironic, right? I am terrified of the uphill climb of roller the rest of the ride. That clicking noise when you are going up scares the bejeezus out of me. I promise you I will have a nervous breakdown, heart attack or aneurysm of some sort one day clickety-clacking up that incline.
If you never hear from me again, well, it was nice knowing you.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Lonely ole me

I wondered if anyone at all even looked at my blog, with its over-abundance of reading fodder, and found where you can load a counter and it tells how many people visit your blog. Since I know nothing about blogging, including whether or not this an option already, I loaded the counter. I was thrilled this morning when I looked at the counter and it said I had 1 visit! Woot!! Someone read me! Happy dance time! Until....I realized it counted me as a hit every time I looked back at my blog to check how it looks....sigh....I am my only visitor.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


One thing I can post about is Twilight. I am totally addicted. I blame my daughter. We had never heard of Twilight until it came out at the theater last November. My daughter became curious and asked for the books for Christmas and she got all 4. She started to read them and shared the story with me. Of course, then I had to read them. I passed her and finished before she did. Now, I am totally hooked. I have several sites I visit daily to find updates. BTW-I am Team Jacob all the way!
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Although...I cannot drool over Mr.Lautner, because that would be illegal and what-not.

Rob Pattinson, on the other hand, is totally legal and I can drool over him all day long! And I do! I admit it, no shame in my game.
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I mean, look at him! Look.At.Him. Nuff said.

Let's get something clear. I am Team Jacob, but I loves me some Rob Pattinson...not Edward...ROB! Get it, got it, good.

Monday, July 6, 2009

First Post

This is my very first post on a blog that I have had for who knows how long. I really have no idea what to say, but after reading blogs like Busy Bee Lauren and all my Twilight blogs I figured what the hay! So, I guess I will have to see where it takes me.